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  • Electrochemical modification of graphite felt electrode for vanadium redox flow battery

Electrochemical modification of graphite felt electrode for vanadium redox flow battery

  The graphite felt electrode used for vanadium redox flow battery was used in the electrochemical treatment, the activity of the electrode was improved, the voltage efficiency was increased, and the current efficiency was improved. After electrochemical treatment, the O/C ratio of graphite felt surface increases, and the main increase is COOH functional group.

  The analysis results show that the surface of carbon fiber is etched, and the specific surface area is increased. The increase of the electrode activity is attributed to the increase of the number of COOH functional groups on the surface of carbon fiber and the increase of specific surface area.

  The small capacity of the battery has been successfully applied in human life, further research and development of new environmentally friendly battery suitable for large-scale energy storage, development and utilization of new energy sources, will have great social and economic significance.

  All vanadium redox flow battery can be regarded as the representative of the new energy storage battery, compared with other batteries, it has a unique advantage, and has been the attention of scientists at home and abroad, at present, the vanadium battery has been abroad applied to wind power plant, peak load regulation of power grid and solar photovoltaic power station demonstration operation. However, the development of vanadium battery is still limited, and the electrode material is a very important factor.

  The electrode material is mainly divided into metal electrode and carbon electrode, wherein the carbon electrode with good stability reflects the greater advantage, and the carbon electrode, graphite felt materials with its advantages of real surface area is much larger than the geometric surface area and occupies the dominant position, the graphite felt were activated by concentrated sulfuric acid by liquid phase oxidation and air oxidation method, that can greatly improve the electrochemical performance of vanadium battery.

  Although the process is simple, the process is simple, the operation is small, and the oxidation reaction is not easy to control. Concentrated sulfuric acid oxidation process is very dangerous, industrial production is very difficult. The electrochemical oxidation method, which is easy to control, easy to control, and easy to realize industrialized operation, is easy to control.
