Details of the graphite electrode in the installation of the attention
1. 1
The electrode before connecting the first thread to clean the electrode. In the end of the connector is screwed into the electrode carefully, the hoisting joint is screwed into the electrode at the other end, no collision threads do not recommend electrode joints being used directly into the road.
2. 2
Absolutely not allowed to use the steel wire group or a wire brush, cleaning cloth thread electrode, not only use compressed air to remove oil and water.
3. 3
Absolutely not allowed to use the steel wire group or a wire brush, cleaning cloth thread electrode, not only use compressed air to remove oil and water
4. 4
Compressed air with no oil and water should be used to clear the holes before connecting the electrodes.
5. 5
With the elastic hook lifting lifting electrode to the stove, find the center, slow down, after the light is screwed into the hoop for tightening.
6. 6
The use of special caliper according to the specified torque available tightened, mechanical or hydraulic, pressure equipment to the specified tightening torque.
7. 7
Electrode holder must be two white lines within the contact surface and electrode holder shall be cleaned regularly, in order to maintain good contact with the electrode holder, the cooling water jacket is Water Leakage.
In order to avoid breaking the electrode, the furnace may not be loaded with insulating material. The working current of the electrode must be adapted to the electrode of the specification.
In order to avoid breaking the electrode, please put the bulk material in the lower part, and put the material in the upper part.